A review by alwaysbooking
The Bachelor Auction by Rachel Van Dyken


This was my first introduction to Rachel Van Dyken, I know, I know I'm late to the fan train. I have to say that if all of her books are like this one I'm in for a wonderful reading relationship with this author. She seemed to have the perfect combination of wit, sass, steam, and hilarity in this book. Now onto the characters!!

Jane aka "Plain Jane" is always doing for others especially her sisters. Her parents died when they were younger and she promised her father to keep the family together. Not only does Jane run the family's cleaning business she literally cooks, cleans and does anything her sisters need. Jane as a character charmed me just like she charmed the Wellington's. She is a genuine person, she believes in doing right by other people. Jane by chance runs into Brock and he seem slightly interested, of course instantly she talks herself out of that idea. I really enjoyed that Jane had the same thoughts and ideas that a normal woman would have, why would a billionaire be interested in plain old me?? However I think it's the fact that Jane is so down to earth that attracts Brock. She loves to clean, she loves to eat, she likes to laugh, and seems to enjoy life itself.

Brock is labeled as "Boring Brock" by his twin brothers. It seems to fit actually since he thinks telling someone No will bring them instant death. Both of Brock's parent's died when he was 12 and since then he has felt that he has to provide for his twin brothers. I must say while his twin brothers are crazy I think their hearts are in the right place most of the time. Brock really comes off an ass in some parts of this book, but I think that is needed because he never really faced his past. Okay, maybe not needed but sets the tone for him coming into his new self. I really liked the new Brock better than the old one... his character development was worth while.

The characters as a whole made this book totally worth every word. From the main characters, to the twin brothers and finally all the farm animals. This was carefully crafted to be a spin off of Cinderella but ended in such a better way. I am really excited to read the next books in the series.

Thank you to Forever Romance and Rachel Van Dyken for a copy in lieu of my honest review.