A review by anniemariek
My Favorite Band Does Not Exist by Robert T. Jeschonek


Being trapped in a bad book can be a nightmare.  Just ask An--wait.  That's not my name on the inside cover?  Oh.  (And I'm still not convinced the back cover won't murder me.  I need to get this out of the house.)

So, again with the "being trapped in a bad book" thing.  Was Fireskull's Revenant, the novel "inside" of My Favorite Band Does Not Exist (I know, it's all very Inception), supposed to be a bad book?  I'd feel much better if the answer was yes, because I didn't enjoy reading about those parts.

I didn't particularly enjoy the rest of it, either.  The idea was awesome--a hugely popular band that's actually an internet hoax, a teenager with a disorder that makes them believe they are a fictional character, etc.  I loved the ways the stories intertwined, but that's about all I liked.

The rest of it was just...bizarre.  I have a high tolerance for weirdness in books, but there's weirdness, and then there's...random weirdness.  This weirdness made no sense and was jarring.  So many lines popped up like this: "Eurydice pulled a dodo bird burger out of the bag and tossed it on the bed beside him."  This was me:


Lines like this were incredibly disorienting.  I understand that this was an alternate reality, but this came out of nowhere and I spent five minutes being confused.  And also, the writing was awkward and repeated itself over and over.

Similar Books: It has the same ideas of disjointed reality as The Marbury Lens or Every Day, to a lesser extent.  It also reminds me of The Obsidian Blade.