A review by shamelesslyash
Gone, Gone, Gone by Hannah Moskowitz


Set to the timeline of the 2002 DC sniper shootings, this novel is has an interesting way of showing you a love story between two boys. The shootings are talked about a lot in the book as it is a huge event happening while Craig and Lio are getting to know one another. I do find that since this is set in 2002 there are some very interesting plot points when it comes to the LGBT part of the book. The fact that Craig's parents are okay with him being gay is almost refreshing. The book wasn't spent with him and Lio having to hide the fact that they like each other. Also the school being totally on board for a GSA was almost surprising. Though school's have to allow the club there still was much fighting going on when in the early 2000s for the club. I know at my high school the GSA was called 'support club' because the school didn't want to the word gay in it...and this is from a school in Los Angeles!

I wish there was more talk about Craig and his need to talk animals end. There is mention is has to do with his ex, Cody, but other than that most of the focus is on Lio and how he had cancer and a twin who died from cancer.

All in all I found this was an easy read and I couldn't put it down. Just wish there was a little more at the end to see how Craig and Lio do after the snipers were arrested.