A review by ngallion
The Beatles: Get Back by John Harris, Ethan Russell, Peter Jackson, The Beatles, Linda McCartney


Fascinating, but frustrating at many points. The conversations included here were never intended for this format. What’s recorded here is an edited version of dialog captured in true fly in the wall fashion - much of which doesn’t have film footage to go along with it since there’s much more audio than video of these sessions available. So while what’s recorded here is imperfect, it’s really the only way that most Beatles fans would really want to experience the footage that couldn’t be shown in Peter Jackson’s excellent documentary. I want to know what those conversations were, but I don’t really want to listen to hours and hours of audio - much of which is just noodling and rough jamming to get to the interesting nuggets. They’re captured here along with excellent photographs from the sessions, so I’d imagine most serious fans will be pretty happy with this.