A review by lwadz
Nevernight by Jay Kristoff


Wow, that was a punch to the gut! In a good way though, clearly I'm a sucker for punishment because I loved this book.

It took me a little while to get into it, but I was soon hooked. Mia is a great character, by no means perfect as the author repeatedly reminds us, but possessing a certain kind of charm none the less. I found myself rooting for her despite her flaws. Her growth was handled really nicely, Kristoff avoids the trope of just heaping loads of powers onto the heroine out of the blue with no warning or explanation (looking at you SJ Maas and JLA) Mia isn't great at everything, doesn't succeed at everything, she's not even likeable sometimes and quite honestly it's refreshing.

I really enjoyed the writing style. I found Kristoff succeeded with the witty banter and irreverent asides where so many others have failed. Where the constant *wink wink, nudge nudge* can become tiresome in other books, Kristoff interspaces the in jokes and asides nicely so they don't interrupt the pacing. Every aside adds something to the story, and aids the world building so they never feel like a chore or that they're interrupting the narrative.

The magic is intriguing, I can't wait to explore this in more detail. Looking forward to the next installment.