A review by stephen_arvidson
Locke & Key, Vol. 6: Alpha & Omega by Joe Hill


Alpha & Omega, the sixth and final installment of the spectacular Locke & Key series, brings the story of the Locke Family and Keyhouse to a powerful and compelling close. Dodge, now inhabiting young Bode Locke's body, has the Omega key and nothing can stop him from using it. As Kinsey Locke and the other students head to the Lovecraft Academy prom, the demonic Dodge gathers shadowy forces of his own to enact his nefarious endgame. The shadow monsters attack. Hope diminishes. The damned and the saved alike make their final stand in the Drowning Cave.

The final showdown is a spellbinding one, with a devastatingly high body count and a number of personal sacrifices. Joe Hill and Gabriel Rodriguez pull no punches and each blow lands square in the reader's gut. This volume's closing chapter is a quiet epilogue that focuses not on the plot but rather the characters as they nurse their wounds and cope with loss. Locke & Key has always been more of a character exploration, so naturally there are some last calls for redemption. The Locke family struggles to find peace with the traumas of the past and there are legitimate efforts as closure, at recognizing that life will move on beyond the end of this book. Alpha & Omega is a beautiful final issue, with copious amounts of blood, death, horror, and more pathos than you can shake a box of Kleenex at! The ability of Hill and Rodriguez to shift so effectively from the brutal havoc of the climax to the hushed grace of the denouement is a testament to their masterful talents and imagination.

One cannot give this series enough praise. While that may seem like an overstatement, it's the god's honest truth. Joe Hill is a guru when it comes to intertwining plots and creating a multidimensional story. Gabriel Rodriguez’s art continues to dazzle in new and inventive ways, most notably in his terrifying depiction of Rufus's overactive imagination—two words, people: Nazi raptors! Unlike most other comic series, Locke & Key encompasses both great story AND great artwork. The ending is satisfying one. Joe Hill had a clear vision for this story, and it was well executed from start to finish. Joe Hill's even embeds a winking nod to his father's classic debut Carrie. The overarching plot is intricate, intense, dramatic, heartbreaking, and beautifully complements the comic medium. Locke & Key will haunt readers in an unforgettably beautiful way.