A review by kate_in_a_book
Kick-Ass 3 by Mark Millar


Kick-Ass is 18 now and his Justice League of costumed self-proclaimed superheroes is well established, but are they ready to face the big time? Their one member/friend who had the balls and skills to fight big scary criminals is Hit-Girl and she’s locked away in prison, thanks to Chris Genovese, nephew of terrifying mafia boss Rocco Genovese. Now Chris is in hospital in critical condition while Uncle Rocco is intent on taking over all organised crime on the East Coast. Can Kick-Ass and co step it up to fight the new super mafia that’s forming? Or can they at least break Hit-Girl out of prison so she can lead the way?

The storyline was a little predictable but I was impressed by the characters here. The violence didn’t bother me like it did with the first Kick-Ass comic and Hit-Girl’s endless swearing is no longer shocking (for one thing because she’s a teenager now) but her character still is extremely shocking. There’s a sequence where she is speaking with a prison counsellor that is very well done and actually surprised me with where it went. Millar is plumbing some dark depths.

- See my full review: http://www.noseinabook.co.uk/2015/03/07/its-a-joke-theyd-throw-the-book-at-me