A review by oxeyed
The Angel Wore Fangs by Sandra Hill


This book has the special designation of being The Worst Book I've ever read. I will treasure it for many many years.

Edit (5/17/2021): increasing my rating from one to four stars to reflect my actual enjoyment of the book instead of an arbitrary judgment on its value.

I try to expose myself to a lot of different types of art. But it’s pretty lame of me to dunk on something I actually had fun reading because I want people to know that I can tell the difference between “good” art and “bad” art. Truth is, this book was a good time. Every time I read a romance novel, I’m hoping it will live up to this series’ level of camp and corniness. This book is memorable for me, and I’ve read a lot of it other, “better” books that don’t claim that distinction. My apologies to the author.