A review by cgroup6
Looking for a Cowboy by Donna Grant


I received this book as an ARC thanks to the publisher & Netgalley. This review is my own.

Description from the book:
"P.I. Marlee Frampton always wanted to lead a nice quiet life, working as a cop in her local police department. But that dream came to an end when her sister was murdered—and her baby kidnapped. Now Marlee’s come to Texas to investigate the Harpers, who may be linked to shady adoption agencies. Cooper can’t believe that his friends could be involved in anything so sinister...and soon he makes it his mission to help Marlee discover the truth—and keep her safe in his arms."

First of all - I strongly recommend reading this entire series. It is really good and the background stories of the other characters are referenced from time to time, so having that "base knowledge" is useful.

This book starts with a reference to a horrific crime and does include multiple other descriptions along those lines as Marlee is tracking those responsible for her sister's murder. Marlee meets Cooper while she is investigating his friends and sparks fly immediately.

This is a nice easy and interesting read - with enough drama and suspense that you won't want to put it down!