A review by wendysimon
Laced with Magic by Barbara Bretton


This was the follow-up book to Casting Spells and it was definitely a page-turner as it approached the end.
Luke and Chloe are seemingly happy in Sugar Maple until the night when Isadora (banished at the end of the last book) reappears at a town meeting. As they uncover the wounded, the citizens find Karen Mackenzie, Luke's ex-wife is in town. She is claiming that their dead daughter Steffie is making contact with her and told her to contact Luke. Chloe is thrown into a tailspin because she did not know Luke had a daughter. As the story progresses, they find out that Isadora is holding Steffie hostage in the spirit realm and will release her in return for the banishment being lifted. Chloe not only needs to fight the battle with Isadora but also needs to fight half of the town which no longer feels Chloe is working int heir best interests.
The last sentence of a book is a shocker!