A review by brittanica_bold
From Bad to Cursed by Lana Harper


“Disaster and hero, monster and martyr, beauty and beast. Choose your own dichotomy because it doesn’t matter. We were always built to be both.”

AHHHHH I loved this book! It had romance, mystery, magical duels, social awareness, steam, and heart. It’s the perfect little bewitching package!

• Enemies-to-lovers
• LGBTQIA+ representation
• Racial diversity
• Creative world-building

What I liked about the book:
1. The first thing I want to point out is how easy this sequel was to follow for me, someone who did not read the first book. The need-to-know characters and plot of the first book were presented in a clear way without being an information dump. I did not feel anything went over my head by not reading book 1 in the series.

2. The worldbuilding was a little on the lighter side than I was expecting, but it was still good. I could totally see this lending well to a movie that I would watch every Halloween right up there with the Harry Potter marathons.

I also enjoyed how there was a pretty clear indication of Thistle Grove being a beautifully weird town still in the middle of America. The fact that the town caters to tourists who think the magic is purely for show is ingenious! Makes me want to find Thistle Grove!

3. I thought it was hilarious that Isidora was creating an enemies-to-lovers vampire themed haunted house, when going into this we knew this was going to be an enemies-to-lovers witch themed love story. I also loved how throughout her creative process, Isidora totally called herself out on her story imitating her own life with Rowan! This little detail took the comparison from corny to downright hilarious!

4. I LOVED ALL THE REPRESENTATION!!!! Within this world, we got so much LGBTQIA+ representation, racial diversity, and lifestyle diversity that I was downright giddy! I especially loved how the author didn’t shy away from the topic of Rowan being a black man who still had to deal with the unjust societal implications surrounding his skin tone outside of Thistle Grove.

5. Speaking of Rowan, I loved most of the characters in this book! Let’s focus on our main two though.

Isidora is a spunky little badass who doesn’t need anyone to save her! She is cocky in the best ways possible, shockingly loving, and a true QUEEN! I love that SHE saved HIM multiple times and that she was behind a lot of their discoveries along the way! She was also super empowering of other women, and that rocks! What a great representative for International Women's Day!

Rowan is a gentleman in the streets, dirty in the sheets and this is quickly becoming my new favorite type of fictional man! I also loved that he was such a nurturing person once Isidora let him get close to her. And that panic attack scene!!!! OH MY GAWD! As someone who has suffered from panic attacks (shoutout to the author for writing about this!), this was EVERYTHING to me! I instantly had big swoony heart eyes for Rowan after this.

What didn’t do it for me:
1. These characters felt like high schoolers during various parts of the book, rather than a 25- and a 29-year-old. While we got steam (which, thank you!), I also felt like the drama we got (especially from Isidora) was pretty juvenile at times.

Special thank you to NetGalley and Berkley Publishing for the opportunity to read this lovely book in exchange for my honest review. Make sure you check it out when it releases May 17th!

4 bewitching stars!