A review by totaldweeb
Learning to Hate Yourself as a Self-Defense Mechanism: And Other Stories by Andrea Kriz


Learning to Hate Yourself as a Defence Mechanism is a collection of speculative-fiction short stories that test our attitudes on AI, tech and how far we may go in the interested of innovation. Thank you to NetGalley for the ARC I received in exchange for an honest review.

Andrea Kriz stories manage to be both light-hearted and belly laugh funny in parts, while addressing some of the more sinister applications of technology and human relationships elsewhere. There are stories here that seems to have come from similar ideas or worlds and I want more! The different timelines we spent saving Jean Moulin?? Yes please! I would take the astronauts stories in Delete Myself in a heartbeat.

I can't say I loved and entirely understood every story, but they all certainly got me thinking and discussing things with my partner we may not have otherwise. Classed as a win for me!