A review by breesbookshelf_
Grown by Tiffany D. Jackson


This book…just whoa… I can’t even begin to describe all of my thoughts on this book. This book is “about the abuse of power. It’s about the pattern of excusing grown men for their behavior while faulting young girls for their missteps” ( quoted from the author’s note). This book brings to light the awful reality of the world we live in, and how difficult it can be to be understood, especially for young Black women. The story focuses on, Enchanted Jones, a talented 17-year old who has dreams and aspirations of becoming a great singer, and being one of the only Black girls in her school doesn’t make her life any better. When she auditions for an important singing competition, she meets… 28 year old Korey Fields (ARGH…) a famous R&B singer who sees something in Enchanted… He becomes her vocal coach, “mentor” and promises to help her career as a singer flourish. As Enchanted gets to know him she begins to believe in him that he will actually help her to become a famous singer, which is her ultimate dream. However, she soon notices that underneath the charming and famous exterior of Korey Fields he is a completely controlling and abusive monster underneath. When Korey Fields is found dead, and Enchanted was the one at the scene, all signs point to her. In this book, we are able to follow along and see the affect that Stockholm Syndrome has, not only that but also what Enchanted goes through as a captive of a master manipulator. I loved how this book was told from Enchanted’s POV. However, at the beginning I was extremely frustrated with multiple things the MC did, and some of those things just didn’t add up. At some parts her decisions just didn’t make sense. I wanted to scream and say “WHY WHY WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?!” Needless to say, I learned a lot from this book, many things I just wasn’t completely aware of or had heard in the news but to read about it and see not only physically but mentally what Enchanted went through was groundbreaking. This book holds such an important and relevant story, especially in the world we are living in today. Considering I am the same age as the main character, some parts were chilling. I am so glad I read this book because I think the lessons and themes of this book are crucial for me to know as well as understand. This book is an ode to the power of a young woman’s voice as well as the importance of it. There are far too many instances where young women are criticized, and silenced. One of the main takeaways from this book that I received, is to always use your voice and if something seems wrong trust your gut. Never put the blame on yourself for other people’s actions. I would most certainly recommend this book… HOWEVER, although I had read the many many TWs that went with this book prior to reading, this being my first book by Tiffany D. Jackson, I was not ready, and a bit shocked at some parts. This book is deep, gut-wrenching, and made my stomach churn at points. So please make sure to read the TWs and prepare yourself before reading this book!!!