A review by anasatticbookblog
The Marriage Bargain by Jennifer Probst


Read more of my reviews and ramblings at Ana's Attic Sexy Tales

The Marriage Bargain (Marriage To A Billionaire) by Jennifer Probst was on so many “Books to Read After Fifty Shades of Grey” lists, that I had to get it and check it out for you guys. It was an enjoyable, nice, sweet, fluffy summer read, but a bit predictable and forgettable. Don’t get me wrong. I enjoyed the book, but I’m not ready to scream from the rooftops and yell “READ THIS NOW!”

In fact, when I started this book, I actually had to go through the list of books I have read in the past year because I felt like I just read it. (No, it was another ‘marry for inheritance’ then fall in love type of book). This is obviously a pretty common theme, we have seen it in romantic comedies forever.

Nick comes from a loveless, broken family where his dad was a womanizer and his mom a lush. He never wanted to get attached to a woman. He didn’t need that in his life. But he does need a wife, one that he trusts, to gain his inheritance so he can build his architectural dream.

Alexa’s parents are having serious money problems and have to sell their home. Alexa wishes (and actually tries a spell) for a rich guy to fall in love with, who can also help her family out of the financial mess.

Enter Maggie. Maggie has been friends with Alexa since childhood, her brother is Nick. She realizes she can solve both of their problems by getting Nick and Alexa together again. Nick and Alexa had crushes on each other as kids, and the heat still remains. When they agree to set up a fake, sexless, loveless marriage for money, you know sparks are going to fly.

And they do.

The sexual tension leapt off the page, but the actual sex was almost non-existent throughout the majority of the book. But I enjoyed the tension, and couldn’t wait to see how it was when they finally got down and dirty!


-Nice, sweet, often humorous, easy read.
-Sexual tension.
-Getting to hear the voices of both characters and knowing how each really felt.
-Alexa’s quirky, sweet personality breaking down Nick’s hard-as-nails one.


-Use of a plot device (marry for money) that is already overused.
-Predictable story.

Rating: 3.75 stars, 3.5 for Heat

This was a book to read between hot and angsty books. A sweet, light, sexy book with some humorous moments. It is not one that will stand out in my mind, but I still enjoyed it.