A review by relentlesseliza
Fly with Me by Chanel Cleeton


Fly with Me is the first novel in Chanel Cleeton's Wild Aces series and from the synopsis alone, it promises to be a high flying romance which took passion to dizzying heights. Post reading the only assessment to make is, Sortie Mission accomplished.

Jordan Callahan is in Las Vegas celebrating her younger sister's impending nuptials. Shots and phallic headwear are par for the course and although she's feeling every bit of her thirty year old, terminally-single self, she rocks out with her (...err) cocks out to ensure her sister's bachelorette is a memorable one for her.

How often could you say that you could pinpoint the exact moment when your life changed?

Noah is an fighter pilot who would love nothing more than to get some sleep after a gruelling day than party with his squadron. An evening sequestered to keeping his squad in check soon changes when he sets his sights on Jordan.

I didn’t believe in love at first sight, but lust at first sight? That was a thing definitely happening all over my body tonight.

The chemistry between them is a raging inferno of lust and I felt every sensory moment of it. The sheer magnetism experienced is an awakening for them both and unlike the adage "What happen in Vegas stays in Vegas" the pair embark on a long distance relationship.

Fly with Me is much more than palpable sexual tension. There is such depth to the storyline and I so much enjoyed the way it matured as the relationship did. There were challenges to be faced, not only with the complications of a long distance relationship but also the dangerous nature of Noah's job. Jordan is a feisty, independent woman and combined with Noah's strength of character it's a learning curve for them both.

Pardon the pun but this series is off to a soaring success. It's sexy, atmospheric and took me to a whole new level of swoon. As both a romance reader and huge fan of Chanel, I can't recommend this book enough .

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