A review by zare_i
La Guerre des Sith by Kevin J. Anderson


Ulic Qel-Droma has fallen to the temptations of Aleema Keto, Krath leader. He is now raiding distant outposts and shipbuilding docks of the Republic in order to better equip his army for a strike at its very heart - Coruscant. By a strike of luck he will come across the Mandalorians, mercenary nomads whom he will subjugate (in an exquisite feat of arms) and incorporate into his host.

As Ulic organizes the armed forces of the new Sith conflagration, Exar Kun seduces group of Jedi Knights and using trickery and deceit unleashes them against the Republic.

But there are wheels within wheels - while all parties position their forces against the Republic it is clear that only person Ulic can trust is Mandalore himself.

This is excellent story, packaged with great art (style reminds me of Elric of Melninbone earlier graphic novels, very thin and very elfish profiles but lots and lots of details on each and every panel). Although not as epic as art in first 3/4 of the previous book art is nevertheless excellent and truly helps reader to immerse into the story.

Jedi's will prevail in the end but at great cost, many falling on the space and ground battlefields while fighting the invaders and lots of Jedi worlds will end up devastated and lost forever. Whole star systems will end up shattered by the new Sith Lords.

And in the end Ulic is the most tragic actor in this drama. After losing everything including his own connection to the Force he is left only to ponder what could have been if he did not succumb to the lure of darkness.

Excellent conclusion to this story arc. Highly recommended to all Star Wars and SF/Fantasy fans.