A review by chrissymcbooknerd
Biting the Apple by Lucy Jane Bledsoe


I randomly came across BITING THE APPLE at the public library and was intrigued by the premise of a mystery woman from the past, obsessively stalking an innocent Olympic athlete turned self-help guru with a dark skeleton in her closet. I mean, what doesn't sound exciting about that... right?!


BITING THE APPLE was one of those books that started out really strong.... really promising... and just fell flat somewhere in the middle. I loved the *idea* of Eve Glass, the human product created by a naive Olympic star who fell in love with her high school and got lost somewhere between 'once upon a time' and 'happily ever after' --- and, maybe it would have helped a bit if I'd gone in with the expectation that BITING THE APPLE was really more of a psychological dilemma of the structure of humanity and the marketing of self -- rather than a stalker thriller that I had come to expect from the description on the back cover.

Don't get me wrong -- for what it is, BITING THE APPLE isn't a bad book. Once I shifted my mindset and set myself some proper expectations, I did find myself enjoying the story a bit more. And, I don't even necessarily mind the sense of unfinishedness at the end of the book --- which really was a realistic and fitting way to 'conclude' the story, given the identity crisis of the main character.

BITING THE APPLE isn't one of those books that I anticipate ever wanting to read again -- and it's definitely not something I'd call a page turner. But, was it worth the read? Sure. I like staying open to all possibilities when I read, so I'm not sorry I read this one.

Just don't go in expecting something exciting...