A review by burcuk
The Feminist Utopia Project: Fifty-Seven Visions of a Wildly Better Future by


I really like the project itself. I think what they did and achieved was remarkable. Thinking about a feminist utopia is a rebellian act by itself. I really like some of the stories and visions in this book. I was expecting more story based writings in general and more out of the box crazy ideas and theories. In that term I cannot say I found what I was looking for. I think for us, it's really hard to imagine world without Patriarca. Our minds are extremely busy with current problems and It's totally understandable. I personally believe the feminine world( does not even have to be an utopia at all) will probably look like complately different that this one. We need to completely forget what we learned so far and push our imagination to the sky to get close to the reality of such a world