A review by ericas_bookish_tales
Wayfarer Clans by Eileen Troemel


It is so addicting!

I opened up this book and it feels as if the book whispered, "GO", and so I launched into a story that never stopped. This book started with action and it just kept coming. Oh man, Adara dealt with a LOT in this one. I love her strong and fierce character. It is if I am taking it all in as Adara, the I have become her. All of the emotions felt throughout this book have taken up residence in my soul. While reading, I can't help but wish that we were indeed so advanced. To live in space flying amongst the stars, and just feeling as if I am one with the universe. Eileen has woven a story that is beyond amazing with this series. The world, the characters, the advancements in technology, they all suck you in and make you feel as if you are present. Putting this book down was impossible. I started reading late and it is now 2:30am and I have finished. I hardly even came up for air. As much as I want to dive into the next book right this second, I know if I do, I will not sleep. This is quickly becoming one of my favorite series and the is only book 2, not counting Aegis, the prequel.