A review by grgie
How to Be Invisible by Tim Lott


i read this book in one sitting and i forgot how much i like this book. i don't know the last time i read this book, but the receipt used as a bookmark suggests its been about 4 years. it's definitely been long enough that i forgot a lot of the major plot points.

i really like how strato is presented, because while he has a very pretentious way of talking, it kinda feels right for a thirteen year old boy that swallowed a thesaurus. i love the whole bits about the particle guns and the speed and light and relativity even though i am not competent enough to understand what strato is saying.

obviously im not really in a position to talk about race in this book, but man lott really seemed to nail the small town in the uk type of racism that strato seems too naive to really notice.

one thing i will say is that everyone in this story has a really weird name except for susan.
(also i realised this is where i recognised the "son discovers mother is writing an invasive book about said son behind his back for money" plot line from sex education. that had been bothering me okay?)