A review by kindra_demi
Realm Breaker by Victoria Aveyard

Did not finish book. Stopped at 53%.
I’ve been trying to get into this book. It might be that I’m just not in the mindset for something so high fantasy. But here are my reasons I’m DNF’ing:
- I normally love multiple POV, but the imbalance of the POVs make me extremely uninterested in certain “mc” when they come up. There are also a couple characters I’m still getting mixed up because even though they are an mc, they are mentioned so little that I forget who is who.
- The characters feel predictable and when I’ve gone through half of the book and I have seen literally no character growth, I’m uninterested (especially given that the characters seem to be the thing that is supposed to make you stay).
- The world building is fine and easy to understand, but that’s not a DNF reason. I cannot get over the fact that the author has created these intricate countries and cities, can give names to every item, semi-create languages, but the looming event is called “What Waits”. It genuinely makes me laugh every time I read it.

I may return to it one day, especially after the next books are released, but for now it’ll be a DNF.

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