A review by thepaperreels
Trouble by Non Pratt



I'll be very honest now and say that the main reason I bought this one is because the cover really caught my attention. I feel like having the sperms in there made the book stands out and it makes the book more intriguing.

But the cover isn't the only one that stands out, the story itself is powerful, thought provoking and brutally honest. I've never read a book about teenage pregnancy that is so real and fun.. yes, you heard me, fun.. Well, I've never been pregnant, but when the tine comes that I have a bump on my tummy (not just because I ate a lot) but because I'm pregnant, I want to be like Hannah. But, I don't want to be in her situation. Not ever. So first, I want to pat the author in the back for being so brave by putting the truth out there when it comes to teen pregnancy and the ups and downs of being a teenager.

Hannah got pregnant. Who's the Daddy??? Ssshhhh! It'll shock you.Just find out when you read the book.

There's Aaron. Silent and loner Aaron who thinks that by getting close to Hannah and her friends, he can forget the things that happened in his old school. Now, when Aaron found out that Hannah is pregnant, he decided to tell everyone that it's his. And why is that? Because he's stupid! Lol just kidding. But anyway, this is where my conflicting feelings starts.

Characters. I love Aaron. A lot. He's real. I have friends that are Aaron so it's easy to be inside his head. I don't know what to say anymore about him but I can confidently say that any reader will find it hard to hate this guy. You'll be frustrated, yes, but c'mon! He's a teenager with issues. Now, Hannah on the other hand is different. I want to symphatise, I really do. But IT'S SO FREAKIN' HARD. She's funny, witty and full of angst but she's also.. dumb. That's why while reading I can't help but think that she deserves everything that is happening to her. She's not acing at school, she doesn't think through the things that she does and she can't think about anything but sex. That's why she got pregnant in the first place. Oh did i mention that she's just 15???

Plot. The plot is what I love. There's no sugar coating. No pretentions. Here it is. The harsh truth. Here's what happens when you're 15, got pregnant, and you don't have any idea how to reveal to the world who the the baby daddy is. I loved Aaron and Hannah's friendship, their character's development and how they tackled their own problems with the help of each other.

Some problems I had with Trouble..

- what happens now that the baby is out in the world?
- what is the score of Hannah and Aaron's relationship? Do they even have on?
- having sex at 15?
- who names their baby girl TYLER? it can be cute but i was weirded a little

Anyway, other than all of that.. I enjoyed reading Trouble. I was frustrated, it got me laughing and it made me think. I don't think it's for everybody though, but it's worth giving a try!