A review by jbarr5
A Cold Creek Noel by RaeAnne Thayne


pub Nov 29 2012 A Cold Creek Noel by RaeAnne Thayne
Caidy Bowman has brought her dog in to the vets, Ben Caldwell office to get fixed. He was gored from the bull after the bull had stepped on him.
Her sister in law runs the local Inn and her brother is the police chief and the other brother head of the fire dept.
She doesn't care much for the doctors bedside manners...
The Inn is where the vet and his 2 kids are staying and Ann Michaels is their nanny.
Caidy hopes to set the family and nanny/housekeeper up in one of her ranch houses that is not being used.
She is happy the family will have a home and a tree for Christmas as their house should be ready in a few weeks time.
She has her dog back now but has to call him at an ungodly hour because there's something wrong with the dog and they get to talking and before you know it, after he gets the dog under control, they are kissing.
Other members of the family have invited Ben and his kids over for Sunday dinner then a sleigh ride and she gets roped into going.
She finds herself thrown together with him and/or his kids, she wants to help them out also and hopes spending time with the kids making cookies will help.
That leaves them with plenty of time to talk about his wife that had died a few years ago.
Love all the homemade baking she does and how she lets others help. She and Ben spend a lot more time together and she opens up about her parents death..
Christmas Eve comes and once again her dog is sick and she hurries over to his house ... realizations take hold, good and bad...