A review by labunnywtf
Year of No Clutter by Eve O. Schaub


If I don't deal with this stuff, this stuff that's supposedly so valuable and important that I can't bare to part with any of it, that all of it will be lost. Because if not me, who's going to go through it?

I listened to this twice. Back to back. That's how motivating I found it.

That motivation led to....um. Well. I got rid of a lot. But if you were to ask for proof, I....yeah, let's not talk about it.

This book is less self help, more memoir, and I think that's why it worked for me so well. Eve's year long struggle to come to grips with her inability to just let go resonated so loudly with me. All of her justifications for keeping, her understanding of her own mental process. It was enough to freeze me in place and make me rewind the audiobook, because there's no way someone else understands why I keep the the things I do.

When I let go of my past, some little part of me ceases to exist.

History stops with me.

It's literally as simple as that.

But she managed to kick that room's ass. And I haven't quite lost my motivation to keep working on my own clutter/issues. And this book is worth it just for that.