A review by cadiva
Adder and Willow by Sam Burns


If I had to put in words exactly why I love this series so much, I think I would have to say because - for all the paranormal and urban fantasy aspects of it - at its heart, this is a series about finding yourself.

For Fletcher, it's realising that he can be worried about his life without it becoming an overwhelming fear. It's also about acceptance, acceptance that when Conner says he loves him, he truly does mean it forever.

The supernatural suspense elements are always intricately woven into the rest of the narrative too. Here it feels, possibly rightly so as we hit the final run of the nine book series, that all the pieces are being put into place for the grand finale.

I love every thing about this series, it's quirky, it plays with the tradition paranormal tropes and subverts them and, while there are powerful magical people and creatures, none are used as a Deus Ex Machina.

#ARC kindly received from the author in return for an honest and unbiased review.