A review by j_j_catcrazydragon
Legionnaire by Jason Anspach, Nick Cole


Unsatisfying Ending.

Part cliffhanger, part noir, in that hero’s die, and narcissistic cowards who get everyone killed, are rewarded, and our favs are penalised and left unknown.

Sooo, it’s definitely written by soldiers.
Filled with jargon, military doctrine, equipment, detailed descriptions, history…you name it!

So much so, it bogs down the story, and reduces the emotional impact.
It’s basically the equivalent of military info dumps, done every second sentence or so, for the entire first third or so.

So why such a high rating? Because amongst all the wordage and oohra, is a thoroughly enjoyable story.

Think ‘Starship Troopers’, but a little more straight. Just as graphic, just as gratuitous, just as over the top, and just as brutal in its depictions and willingness to kill our hero’s.

I gotta confess, loved that book, and the movie.