A review by cassiecraycray
The Bling Ring : How a Gang of Fame-Obsessed Teens Ripped Off Hollywood and Shocked the World by Nancy Jo Sales



Why would you spend your time writing about a subject and people you hate? I would like to ask Sales this because this was not fun to read.
I spent so much time being annoyed at her tone and her attitude. She spent the whole book sitting on a high horse and talking down about everyone she was writing about. In the preface she interviewed Coppola (who made the Bling Ring movie, 2013) who said "When I was a kid people were famous because they accomplished something." Which I think perfectly captures attitudes of Both Sales and Coppola, even though they are Both Nepo babies who have the chances they do thanks to their families (I really don't think either of them are with any salt in either of their fields and 100% wouldn't be in Hollywood if not for their connections.) So for them to be shit talking anyone annoyed the hell out of me, own up to your privilege, stop hating on those who have more fame than you do, and quit looking down on people who want the dream you have (having money/ being famous.). Because honestly this was a bitter book all the way though.
Which leads me to my next point, if you cant stay neutral when writing then you shouldn't be digging into cases like this. The contempt she had for the bling ring kids shone through and it was hard to focus of the case and what the kids said because everything was clouded over with her own thoughts and opinions. She also seemed to make connections that literally made no damn sense, and would ramble on about things that had zero connection to the case.

Overall I'm very disappointed with this read. It was very jumbled together and I really don't think I got any more understanding about this case. Which is very sad because this case is very intriguing, the amount that the bling ring managed to take and how long they were able to get away with it. Its baffling and I wish I could get better details about it all.
I strongly do Not recommend this book.

I'm reading this book in 2024 so I know that some stats have changed from when this was written but I really want someone to go though all the stats in here and fact check them because they all seem like utter bullshit.