A review by cathiedalziel
Life Drawing by Robin Black


This book is page after page of tension building, taut, snapshot of a middle aged couple's life. And so much more. It could have been titled: "O, what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive ..."

Gus (Augusta) and Owen live very quiet, secluded lives, alone in the countryside until a woman moves in next door and upsets the equilibrium of their pretend tranquility.

This book has so many layers, I don't even know where to begin: I'll list a few of the more prominent ones.
1)What we do to each other does matter.
2) We put people through hell just to relieve our own conscience.
3) The ripple effect is true.
4) People are multi-faceted; you take many of you's into every room / relationship you enter.
5) We only usually see or know just a fraction of a person's self.
6) Never underestimate the power of "family" (or the blindness of family)

Robin Black is an excellent writer, with a lot of patience.