A review by anjaleer
Why I'm No Longer Talking to White People about Race by Reni Eddo-Lodge


I’ve recently started working in the corporate world which has been quite different compared to my university where people talked about social justice and understood privilege. During my lunch break me and other POC’s try to engage on the topic of race with our white college but this took a lot out of us. Having to relive our pain and still have people defend their privilege really took a lot of me. This book therefore came at just the right time in terms of me understanding my place in the conversation about race and that it’s ok to take a break from these conversations for the sake of my own mental health.

This book is truly amazing as it goes through all the struggles that POC’s go through with historical data to back it up so it doesn’t seem as though we are overreacting (as many believe we do). One of my biggest take always from this is the last chapter. I’m always stuck on how to properly articulate what a white person needs to do now that they have had this conversation. I often get asked how we are expected to move forward to equality and this book perfectly explains what I should say.

Thank you for allowing this book to exist <3