A review by canderson
U Up? by Catie Disabato


This was such an interesting read. First of all, we've all been on one end or another of the "U up?" text, so I was immediately drawn in by the title and the cover. This new adult novel has emotional turmoil, ghosts, meditation, represents multiple characters within the LGBTQIA community, and deals with the suicide of a friend. For those of you who are easily triggered by suicide, this might not be the best book for you—but I thought it addressed the people who are left behind rather beautifully. I appreciated the fact that our main character, Eve, is flawed. I also appreciated that even though she went through a nice character arc where she discovered and addressed those flaws, that she still remains a flawed human with a messy life—a real life.

I liked the setting of LA; and felt that the descriptions of the city, the different bars and streets that our character's wander were authentic. I want to head there right now and wander around from sun up to sun down. This was definitely a novel that felt lived rather than read. I was with Eve as we suffered through a hangover, panic, worry, anger—I walked beside her through the journey of grief and mourning. Definitely recommend this novel to 18+ readers who enjoy a contemporary fiction novel with a smidge of magic and a lot of love.