A review by laz_
Because Internet: Understanding the New Rules of Language by Gretchen McCulloch


3.5 stars

as a linguistics nerd and general internet denizen this was really fun!! the author narrates the audiobook and has an absolute blast doing it, especially because the audio medium means you can use intonation for all the explanations of language and i get the pleasure of her trying to enunciate a keyboard smash.

i really appreciate any linguistic interpretation that embraces change and adaptation in language because that’s all language really is!! every generation language adapts to new speakers and new and wonderful ways to say things are invented so that was neat to learn about. it can be a bit of a retread if you’re either a) fairly familiar with the intricacies of internet language or b) a college student who is taking a linguistics class or generally spends a lot of time on wikipedia. either way hearing gretchen nerd about stuff was really enjoyable!!