A review by sci_mom
The Downstairs Neighbor by Helen Cooper


I received this book in a Goodreads Giveaway. This was a solid three star book right up until the motives were revealed. The story was engaging and it was a fast read. I think the side stories were not as fleshed out as they could have been and the revelation and resolution of those felt rushed and incomplete, but otherwise, they worked within the main story line. Those are what took it from a four star to a three star book for me.

However, my biggest issues came at the end. First, Becca came across as selfish and yet took the blame for Nick's death, even though she did not want to give him the drugs, but the motivation for why she didn't implicate Kate was never explored at all. Then, we are supposed to believe that instead of making Kate pay by revealing Kate was the one who poisoned Nick, she waits until she is out of prison and has her daughter kidnapped? And, maybe I missed it, but how did she even find Kate, as Steph, to begin with? Next, Chris agreed to help out of spite only? I could've bought it if it was for money, or something, but not just out of bad will. It was just too contrived and not at all believable.