A review by tomaind
Baby Doll by Hollie Overton


OMG! This book had me from page 1. A suspenseful and gripping story. A fictional story that is so true to life. After Jaycee Dugard and the girls from Cleveland, we know this could really happen. It makes me wonder how many others that have been missing or presumed dead, are actually living a life of Hell in captivity.
I liked how the chapters switched between different characters views of the situation as it unfolded. Lily suffered unimaginable acts by her captor and you realize that she is not the only victim of his sick and twisted ways. So many other people in her life are effected. Lives are changed, not for the better and it can be very hard to come back from the emotional and mental damage created by such a tragic event.
I was surprised by some of the outcomes as the story started to wrap up, but they continued the story going at a fast and interesting pace. I really enjoyed this author's debut novel and look forward to reading her future books.