A review by moonchild720
Easy to Love You by Megan Smith


I decided to listen to this book on Audible. I had listened to the first one and it ended off with a lot of uncertainty. I enjoyed the first one but this one kind of annoyed me to be honest.

One thing that bothered me was McKenzie. In this book I found her in incredibly annoying. I know that she is only 20 but she just acts very immature. Something specifically that bothered me about her was how she over reacts a out such little things. She takes something that could be almost nothing and blows it up. Example being when Hunter finally told her about what was going on with Jason or when her family told her that her father worked for the FBI. She took that and ran with it and didn't speak to her family of Hunter for weeks. Instead of hearing them out and saying I understand you want to protect me but please don't keep things from me. Especially when they involve me. That would have been so much more simple.

Moving on to something else that annoyed me to no end, her parents. Every single time they are talking to her they call her baby girl. They NEVER refer to her as anything else and that is incredibly irritating. Even in one conversation they would call her baby girl at least three times. They never even called her by her name. I'm probably just being nit pickey but I honestly couldn't stand any interactions with her parents because of this.

Another irritating thing is her brothers. They have to be involved and interfere in EVERYTHING. Honestly most of these two books probably wouldn't have happened if it wasn't for her brothers. They need to learn to mind their own business and stay out of McKenzie's life.

Hunter and McKenzie were also getting on my nerves. Anytime they started to feel overwhelmed instead of talking about it, they passenger son off to one of their parents and took off for a getaway. You have a new baby. You can't just drop your responsibility as a parent and just runaway from your issues. That missed me off. They didn't need all of those getaways because nothing was going on.

The random switching POVs really annoyed me. I thought that they didn't add much to the story and I just didn't understand the point. The first book was just McKenzie's and then Hunger's at the end. That's fine because it was necessary. The random jumping from McKenzie to Hunter to Mason to Haley was just weird. I didn't feel that their point of view really added anything to the story.

I was kind of let down by the whole Jason situation. We found of new information about Brittany being his daughter and Lyn being his girlfriend and nothing comes of it. Hunter confronts them once and that's it? They didn't want anything and they just leave them alone? No. That was a huge let down because I was anticipating something big happening. I thought maybe Jason would go after McKenzie or even the baby and he did nothing but show up and pies people off.

Something that was huge and just dropped was who caused McKenzie to get into the accident. In the beginning everyone was loaded and they were going to find out who was responsible. They all begin to think that Brittany had something to do with it and then everyone stops caring. No one really brings it up again. No one goes to the police to tell them who they think it was. We don't find out why they did it. Nothing. Maybe that's something that gets wrapped up in the next book but I am not interested in finding out. The characters were way too annoying. I felt what was going on was supposed to be a huge deal but it really was basically nothing. I am definitely disappointed.