A review by booksforbrooks
The Deception of the Emerald Ring by Lauren Willig


Why on earth did I wait so long to read this? In the third volume of the Pink Carnation series, Willig serves up another joyous blend of espionage, romance and wit that lives up to the promise of it's predecessors. Letty is a fabulous heroine, and her forced marriage to Geoffrey provides an unusual start to the story. A wonderful supporting cast of characters from the previous books are back in action (I particularly enjoyed seeing Miles and Henrietta again) and moving the plot to Ireland lends a fresh element. There are multiple plot twists, characters in disguise, murders and love-to-hate villains which kept me reading late into the night.

I couldn't quite give this a full five stars due a couple of niggles, however. Geoffrey's change of heart towards Letty comes a little too quickly to be believable to me. My main issue is with the modern day heroine, though. Eloise spends her chapters being utterly hopeless and entirely unsympathetic. I wanted to slap her constantly, and always dragged myself through her sections wishing to get back to the historical action as soon as possible. The storyline with Colin didn't move along at all and I hope that their "romance" isn't dragged out so much in the next installments that it takes too much away from the regency plotlines.

A super enjoyable read. I'm off to buy #4 from amazon right now.