A review by mackenzierm
A Beautiful Spy by Rachel Hore


3/5 stars!

A BEAUTIFUL SPY is the fictional story of Minnie Gray who is a spy for the British government in the 1930s. The story is based on the real life experiences of Olga Gray. Minnie is expected by her family to conform to societal norms and find a man to marry and procreate with. This doesn’t appeal to her in any way, so when given an opportunity to be a spy for the British government, she jumps on it.

Rachel Hore writes a beautiful story detailing the life experiences of Minnie Gray as a spy. I personally found the story to be a bit dry, not really holding my interest. It’s described to be a suspenseful story, but ultimately, did not reach to my expectations. The plot is slow and builds up to the main event which happens in the last 50-60 pages.

Minnie is a brave and courageous character, devoting nearly a decade of her life to leading a double life, which few are privy to. I thought it was really cool to read about a female spy in the 1930s and learn about the difficulties that entailed during that time period.

I enjoyed the ending of the novel because I feel like we got a nice closure to Minnie’s life. I think that may have been my favorite part of the book as we get to see another side of Minnie!

Rachel Hore is an author who is new to me and I will most definitely be checking out her other works in the future!