A review by towardinfinitybooks
The Sense and Sensibility Screenplay & Diaries: Bringing Jane Austen's Novel to Film by Emma Thompson


Janeites are diverse and passionate about the object of their affection. They engage in debate often, but most would agree that the 1995 film adaptation of [b:Sense and Sensibility|14935|Sense and Sensibility|Jane Austen|http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1309203534s/14935.jpg|2809709] is exquisite. This book is a behind-the-scenes look at the making of the film, and it includes the final draft of the screenplay as written by Emma Thompson (also one of the stars of the film) and her diaries during filming. The book is a celebration not only of the movie but also a recognition of the cast, crew and major players (e.g. director Ang Lee, producer Lindsay Doran, etc.) and their respect for Austen's work.

Thompson wrote more than a dozen drafts of the screenplay over a period of fifteen years. We tend to think of "movie magic" resulting from great performances but here, Thompson's screenplay deserves a substantial share of the praise. Her language illuminated some of the more poignant moments in the film for me and I liked her clever phrasing (e.g. she describes a room as having the feel of a "damp shoebox").

While I liked the screenplay as well as the many black-and-white and color photographs included, I loved Thompson's diary entries best. By turns, they are insightful, witty, and somber. I loved finding out more about the people who worked on the film and what set life was like. If Thompson ever writes a (proper) book, I'll be first in line to purchase it. A quick, fun read!