A review by literary_maiden
The Boss Who Stole Christmas by Jana Aston


If you want so much Christmas in your story that you start craving snow, hot chocolate and talking in Christmas themed puns this is the story for you. I don’t think I can accurately express how much respect I have for Jane Ashton’s ability to insert so much christmas into a story. Reindeer falls is over the top Christmas with business and events all centered around Christmas, celebrating Christmas and all things Christmas related. Reindeer Falls is called ‘Little Bavaria' as it was founded by German Immigrants, and their architecture reflects this. Holly Winter works at the Flying Reindeer Toy Company and she thinks her boss, Nick Saint-Croix, is an oh so hot Grinch. When she has to go on a business trip with him she starts to see a different side of him. This story is entirely from Holly's perspective so you get to see how her opinion of Nick changes, and I found with a re-read that you can see just how smitten Nick is even before she does if you pay attention - I really felt for Nick and was happy he got his happy ending. This isn’t a long story, but if you want a christmas giggle with some romance this is the story for you - and the rest of the series is just as good.