A review by iratherbebookish
Penance by Kanae Minato


 "Penance" by Kanae Minato is a gripping psychological thriller that delves into themes of guilt, trauma, and revenge. The novel begins with a chilling premise: a young girl named Emily is murdered, and her four friends are unable to identify the killer. The victim’s mother, Asako, holds each girl responsible and curses them to find the killer or face lifelong penance.

Minato crafts a compelling narrative where each chapter focuses on the perspective of one of the girls involved in the tragedy. This structure helps build suspense and allows readers to explore the different ways trauma manifests in each character's life. The pace of the story maintains a balance between revealing secrets and keeping readers on edge.

The sense of dread and suspense is palpable throughout the novel and each character is distinct and their personal struggles are convincingly portrayed. The book did get a bit slow at times, for me, and I found the ending quite abrupt.

Despite its short comings, the novel did leave a lasting impression on me.