A review by b00knerd
Paper Ghosts by Julia Heaberlin


"Bad people are to be found everywhere, but even among the worst there may be something good."

"Never say goodbye because goodbye means going away and going away means forgetting"

This novel was so well written and kept me up till 2 a.m just to finish. I had to know how it ended, the whole time i was reading i could not figure out where this story would take me. Adding the black and white photos and Grace's notebook entries to the story was a nice touch, really made the story come alive for me.

Grace's older sister, Rachel, who has been missing since Grace was 12, is presumed dead and the person most likely responsible is Carl Feldman, a well known photographer, who is diagnosed with dementia. He is later acquitted on a murder of another young women and put into an assisted-living facility. Obsessing for years over what happened to her sister she one day seeks out Carl and claims to be his daughter. In hopes to jog his memory she wants to take him on a road trip to various stopping points where women have vanished. Those same stopping points are also in photographs he has taken. Believing he has killed these various women who have gone missing in Texas she hopes to prove he is in fact the killer and hopefully get justice for her sister. Carl of course has no memory of these killings and is skeptical that she really is his daughter but agrees to this road trip but she has to meet some of his conditions first. She of course agrees, she has been waiting/preparing/training for this day. As the trip progresses, she sees moments of lucidity and how he's keen to detail. Which leads you to ask Does he even have dementia? Could he actually murder all these women?

Will this game Grace is playing actually lead her to answers or will she be next in this list of missing women?

I cant stress enough how great this book is. The author did a great job of keeping you intrigued, giving you small clues to whats going on without actually giving away anything, and bringing the story alive in each page.
Towards the end it stopped being about whether or not Carl was a serial killer and became about the relationship he and Grace had formed, as messed up and crazy as that is.

5 STARS!! Thank You to NetGalley and everyone involved i absolutely enjoyed this one. Great start to the New Year!!!!!