A review by sallyavena
Wish You Were Eyre by Heather Vogel Frederick


As much as I hate to admit it, I'm sad to see this series end. While the entire series is somewhat cliche, idealistic and not quite in touch with reality (I mean there is a internationally recognized fashion designer, published author, member of the hockey team that won nat'ls and one that is acing calculus and dating a 3 star athlete who was also the valedictorian--all in one group of 16 year olds), I did like the innocence of how the whole series came across. While there were catfights and problems with boys and even their moms, they still did not seem to be bogged down with it and they could enjoy being normal teenagers. I liked how the romance aspect of it remained innocent as well. I also liked how when they made poor choices there were consequences and they were resolved (again, somewhat idealistically). Plus the whole series introduces classics that I think many are skipping over to get to things like Twilight and Hunger Games. Hopefully, it will help turn the interests of girls towards those books as well.