A review by sunsetsnbooks
Blue Lily, Lily Blue by Maggie Stiefvater


First read: Dec. 10, 2014 - Dec. 13, 2014
Second read: March 7, 2016 - March 13, 2016
Re-reading with the lovely girls at The Raven Cycle (Re)readathon

“I think it's crazy how you're in love with all those raven boys.”

Some serious sh*t happens in this book. It's a good thing we did a re-read and discussed it at the group because I barely remembered anything and THE THEORIES ARE CRAZY. I feel like my head is going to explode and I don't want to die before The Raven King comes out. Now I'm even more anxious and scared because MY BABY GANSEY
SpoilerCAN'T DIE, please

Blue Lily, Lily Blue already feels like the beginning of the end, we're just missing the final piece of the puzzle to make sense of it all. The strength of this book is in the relationships between the characters. That's the main reason I love this series so much. I've been made to care so deeply about Blue and her Raven boys as well as the girls that live at 300 Fox Way and my precious Mr. Gray, even the villains have something that draws you to them. You can feel the longing and wanting in these pages and how the search for this sleeping king has affected them all. I'm not sure how I'll possibly say goodbye to them when it's all over.

All my love to the wonderful girls at the The Raven Cycle (Re)readathon group for the good moments during our re-read. It has been amazing fangirling over Bluesey, Pynch and the brotps with all of you, sharing theories, jokes and getting so damn scared for Gansey's survival all over again. Gio, Claudia, Annabelle, Laurie, Dreams, Twila, Nina & Iz, just THANK YOU

Gio wrote some of the theories we discussed in the group in her review. Our brains almost exploded but we did have a really good time talking about everything.

Original review

"Oh, please. I'm not going to stop you. I was just trying to keep you from breaking your heart, but whatever, go do it."
Y bam, 389 páginas después llega el vacío. ¿¿Y AHORA QUÉ HAGO YO HASTA QUE SALGA EL SIGUIENTE LIBRO??
The Raven Cycle se ha convertido en una de mis sagas favoritas. No solo porque es como tener un poco de cada género en estos libros, lo que más me gusta es cómo están escritos y todo lo que te hacen sentir. No sabría decir cuál de los tres hasta ahora me ha gustado más, pero oh dios [b:Blue Lily, Lily Blue|17378508|Blue Lily, Lily Blue (The Raven Cycle, #3)|Maggie Stiefvater|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1398366292s/17378508.jpg|24170141] ha llevado el dolor a otro nivel :'(

ADORO que este libro esté más centrado en Blue, cuanto más leo sobre ella más la admiro. "Blue Sargent was afraid. There are many good words for the opposite of afraid. Unafraid, fearless, unfrightened. Some might suggest courageous or brave as opposites. But Blue Sargent was brave because she was afraid."

La verdad que no sé cómo lo hace Maggie para hilar toda la trama con tantas cosas sucediendo a la vez y tantos personajes. Es verdad que el comienzo de cada libro es un poco caótico por eso mismo, pero a medida que lees ves que todo está relacionado y el puzzle se va resolviendo de forma natural. Es una pasada. Normalmente no me gustan los libros con tantísimos personajes pero con esta saga siento que todos son importantes y que los conozco y encima no sientes que su evolución sea forzada. Por ejemplo Adam en este me ha sorprendido para bien y hasta le empiezo a coger cariño. Le veo más maduro y adulto, ya sabe quién es y cuáles son sus limitaciones y POR FIN acepta la ayuda desinteresada de sus amigos sin cuestionarse si lo hacen por pena. Hasta he llegado a sentirme identificada con él (emoji del mono tapándose los ojos).

Adam Parris was lonesome.
There is no good word for the opposite of lonesome. One might be tempted to suggest togetherness or contentment, but the fact that these two other words bear definitions unrelated to each other perfectly displays why lonesome cannot be properly mirrored. It does not mean solitude, nor alone, nor lonely, although lonesome can contain all of those words in itself.
Lonesome means a state of being apart. Or being other. Alone-some.
Adam was not always alone. but he was always lonesome. Even in a group, he was slowly perfecting the skill of holding himself separate. It was easier than one might expect; the others allowed him to do it.

Also Ronan y él ayudándose mutuamente es lo más ❤__❤ que he leído nunca.

Sus escenas son simplemente mágicas. Cada frase que dicen, cada pensamiento que callan, cada gesto, todo, TODO tiene un significado y es especial. Tengo mucho miedo con el 4º libro y con esa profecía y visión, pero a pesar de que eso está ahí estoy disfrutando todo el recorrido y no lo cambiaba por nada.

Y ahora a esperar :___(

“P.P.P.P.S. Don't wake the third sleeper.”