A review by fictionophile
A Bad, Bad Thing by Elena Forbes


Having read this author before, albeit quite some time ago, I knew in advance that I admired her writing. My memory served me well, because I found this to be a stellar crime fiction read! A book which has the reader questioning just who are the good guys, and who are the bad guys. That there are many shades of grey in a world where nothing is every purely white or black.

The characters were well described and empathically drawn. The settings were easy to visualize and the plot contained several red-herrings.  Besides the search for justice, this story delves into the horse racing world with all of its attendant avarice and corruption.

This crime thriller is not really a police procedural, as Eve's career is very much on the back-burner during the course of the story. As of today's date, there is no sequel available, though it is listed on several sites as being the first in the Eve West series.  If a second title in the series becomes available I will definitely be adding it to my TBR.

I found the ending to be unusual in that I as the reader was given enough hints via the plot that I knew an elemental fact about Eve's history that the author chose to NOT spell out, and NOT make her protagonist aware of.  Very clever.

All in all, I thoroughly enjoyed "A Bad, Bad, Thing" and would highly recommend it to other crime fiction fans.