A review by booknallnight
Still the Night Call by Joshua Senter

challenging dark emotional reflective sad tense medium-paced


Wow...for such a small book, this packs a punch. I don't know or understand much about farm life. I have heard it's very hard work and can be a hard way to live.

Still the Night Call is a deeper look into a farmer's life and how current events, politics and the state of the world today has affected him and his family.

Calem is a tortured soul and my heart broke for him, his father and mother. Following him during a day in his life, reading his thoughts and plans, really broke me open. I wanted to jump into this book, hug him and stand by him.

The twist at end of this one was hard to read. Honestly this entire book was a hard read BUT the end was devastating.

Joshua Senter certainly has a way with words and while this was melancholy, disturbing and deep...it is also beautifully written. It's no wonder this book has been called the best indie book of 2021.

"Slowly, the Night Call chokes you like a vengeful lover, constricting until it snaps your head from your body the moment you stop fighting it. And you do want to stop fighting."

"You yearn to disappear into nothingness without mass or form or meaning so it can't reach you any longer."

"And suddenly, all the happiness and joy rushing over me fades like the sun going down in the distance. And I can't even remember what euphoria feels like or why I was smiling or singing or screaming. I'm cold now and starving."

For those who are sensitive to suicide, I would advise caution if picking this one up. This may be a hard book to read but it is powerful and definitely worth the read.

I sincerely thank the publisher and Books Forward for providing me with a review copy.  All opinions expressed herein are mine and mine alone.