A review by whats_margaret_reading
The Island of Last Truth by Flavia Company


The Island of Last Truth is the story, from alternating points of view, of Dr. Matthew Prendel, a physician who has been shipwrecked for years and, through some luck he does not describe in detail, returned to New York City. He is the only survivor from the pirate attack that left two of his close friends (who were also his crew) dead. He is stranded on an island with another one of the pirates, but escapes the only survivor. Only one man knows exactly what went on during those five years, and as Prendel begins to open up to Phoebe Westore what occurred, and it is not exactly what everyone has assumed. Westore starts recounting what she has been told, interspersed with Prendel's recounting of the events of those five years.

In an undeniably nautical theme, this short novel echoes Robinson Crusoe while adding a darker side to the shipwreck survival story.