A review by digthewriter
Beware of Geeks Bearing Gifts by Charlie Cochet


4 rounded down to 3.5 for having a typical white boy w/ a really really really really bad Spanish accent do the audiobook, like go f** yourself. 3.5 rounded down over all for just pissing me off w/ yo white-self.

I'm conflicted with this one. I did like the story, for the most part, I really really really hate the whole "he doesn't know I'm alive but I love him," trope, and Quinn being like "I can't believe I never noticed him..." it's been a YEAR. His bro-in-law was right -- how are you a SWAT team member and don't know who your neighbours are. Also the stripper plot - side track - bad excuse to get the MCs together was not my favourite style of getting two people to have sex.

Writing style with CC is good as always, and I was very very very very glad this was a short story b/c I hate when stories get dragged out. I liked Spencer's reaction to a big family, and a big group of friends, like it was all too much - it felt too real so great job on that.