A review by zeeanthony
Carry on by Rainbow Rowell


Like others, I was taken aback by the abrupt placement of the story at the end of Simon's time at Watford (and subsequently, Rowell had to go through all of the world-building and such through flashbacks). I was also slightly disappointed in the way things ended...everything a bit too neatly for my taste. And most saliently, I was left wanting oh so much more from this world of Simon and Baz and magicks.

I want to take a moment just to stress one important aspect of the story between Simon and Baz. Carry On is much more than a romance, but the complete lack of LGBT representation and gay male relationships in fantasy novels truly sets Carry On apart from its peer novels. Personally, I found the relationship between Simon and Baz one of the more compelling parts of the story, even though their relationship lacked development (mostly because of the nature of the story being placed at the end of their schooling years) and everything progressed rather quickly. But at the end of the day, I was happy that Rowell took the steps and efforts to write a well-characterized story between these two young men and their world.