A review by coenobi
Poe Dameron: Free Fall by Alex Segura


This was way better than expected. One of my favourite YA Star Wars novels for sure. It's not Resistance Reborn or Most Wanted, but I thoroughly enjoyed it.

Poe is one of my favourite Sequel Trilogy characters, perhaps even THE favourite. I have a thing for starfighters in Star Wars, and this one hell of a pilot always succeeded in making me laugh when he was messing with someone or make me cheer when he almost died doing something that should be impossible while flying his X-Wing or the Falcon. So it was great fun finding out where this guy came from and how he learned to fly while reading this book.

Poe made some bad choices in his life and seeing how he dealt with those was super interesting. He's constantly conflicted by the thrill of adventure, friends and love, and on the other side of that, doing the right thing and honouring his parents and their wishes.

Segura also really wrote Poe the right way and man, I'm so happy we got a bit more of him in this way! I loved him in the Sequel Trilogy, really enjoyed seeing him a few times in Resistance, but always wanted more.

On to the comics next!