A review by calistareads
The Flash, Vol. 5: History Lessons by Brian Buccellato


This kinda goes all over the place. There isn't really a through storyline right now. It's interesting. I just finished reading The Justice League Dark for the first time and that was my introduction to Deadman. He is this guy who is dead or something like that and now he is able to possess people. He is a strange new hero I'm introduced to. Well, he shows up in this story. It's a good thing to as Flash is dealing with an angry ghost who can possess people.

I thought this book was good and I enjoyed the last story arch that did include Deadman, but it wasn't as well done as the previous volumes. Same energetic artwork and thrust to the story. Flash is fast and he's moving forward. I don't have much else to say. This volume is fairly forgettable. I hope the next volume picks up the thread again.