A review by leahana
Waylaid by Sarina Bowen


Waylaid by Sarina Bowen, Daphne and Rickie’s story, was marvelous. Their story was set up perfectly in Heartland. Rickie was a bit of a mystery- who was this guy, where did he come from, how did he know Daphne? I loved that it kept me guessing and really trying to piece it all together. Daphne was a bit of a twerp in previous books and I was worried I might not like her, but she had a lot of depth and I was glad to see her get her happily ever after. As always I loved seeing all the Shipley family members throughout the book.

After reading it, I messaged Amanda from @Little_Book_Reader_ and mentioned that Waylaid might be Sarina’s best book yet! Her reply was to point out that I say that basically every time Sarina releases a new book. So that got me thinking about Sarina’s writing journey and I think she is really on to something. Her writing has always been solid, but lately her story telling ability is reaching new heights. Thinking back through her books, and I’ve read them all, Superfan is the book I started noticing something truly extra in her books. My memory is awful for this kind of thing but I remember feeling the characters’ connection throughout every sentence in Superfan. Lies & Lullabies had a different vibe from other Sarina books- something new, something amazing. And then there was Bombshells- it just resonated with me in a way that was simply more. The short story Boyfriend was yet another example of Sarina taking her story all the way. I felt all the connections and the all the plot points in a way that somehow was just more. I am beyond excited to read Boyfriend as a full novel length soon!

Sarina’s writing feels wonderfully fresh while still familiar like a favorite blanket. I don’t know what changed exactly, but you’re going to want to be along for this ride because I think it’s only going to get even better from here!